Positive Discipline for Early Childhood

Early Childhood Educators
English, Spanish
In-person, Virtual
Certified Positive Discipline Early Childhood Educator
14 hours split over 2 days (7 if virtual)
This two-day interactive workshop is designed for early childhood educators, teachers, and caregivers who work with children from birth to six years of age (Parents will also find this workshop helpful; however, the focus is on early childhood education.) Participants will learn to apply the principles and tools of Positive Discipline, an Adlerian research-based philosophy, to working with groups of young children. They will also gain a deeper understanding of how young children learn, the importance of belonging and social and emotional learning, and how to best teach those skills in a classroom or care setting.
Learning Objectives:
Create a classroom or care setting where children can develop a sense of belonging and significance based on the importance of contribution and mutual respect.
Understand how young children learn and how to adapt teaching to the needs of this age group.
Foster essential social and emotional skills to support development and school readiness.
Understand children behavior and how to guide it in groups of young children.
Teach the essential skills for developmentally appropriate participation in class meetings.
Learn Positive Discipline and Adlerian concepts for use in the classroom, preschool community, and with parents.
*Materials included:
Positive Discipline The First Three Years
(Revised and Updated) or Positive Discipline
for Preschoolers Revised 4th EditionPositive Discipline for Early Childhood
Educators ManualPositive Discipline for Early Childhood
Educators Tool Cards